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  1. hello i had to comment here first off HI-LO is my game as well ive made so much from CoCo and HI-LO that HeHateMe. JB is a utility coin you can use it to marginalize your withdraw fees which might I add are extremely ridiculous for some coins *cough* every single ERC 20 also JB can be used to increase the percentage of your rakeback so if you're a luny better like I can be and you're underwhelmed by rakeback your JB for the time will you come with that massive bankroll to maximise your return overall and as you stated in your comment is it a test coin?( which I gotta say in part it is but that also increases the value of this coin significantly makes it invaluable) in potential uses for something like this down the road limitless. Imagine a coin that everybody can get that's pretty much a standard amount that they get or receive off whatever facet maybeis a faucet a bonus but the standard the same for everybody you can't trade the coin you can't buy it so the only way for us get more of the JB coin if there were bonuses pertinent to us on individual basis is to HODL it till next faucet is available sparingly or boldly wager it and if you choose to hold on to your jabees it's gonna keep you up invaluable technique and trait within the crypto world is extremely important and you can't put a price on this but (hold observe recognize) I failed a HODL acronym. my opinionIt makes absolutely no sense to make the JB coin tradeable and give it any type of intrinsic value outside of its utility here. lets chill it here at the site 'cause otherwise you're just gonna water down the coins that are already in the crypto market and there's only several thousands of tokens/coins that unfortunately and sadly never gonna be able to see it value appreciate keep releasing coins into the crypto sphere and others that you know of will start to depreciate. Oh yes what is the basic rule to economics? sir" me sir" is it supply demand.? the coin i use it when changing seeds 1st and foremost this allows me to feel confident on a new seed i then look 2nd incvrese my rakes back and 3rd when i withdrawal im like haha good i got JB left. Te quires mucho mi amore tu es muy bonita . i know the response is late but TBH your picture got me to jam the bfakes lol my bad
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