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  1. Today
  2. click this link https://pastebin.com/sBdSNEG5 or var config = { mainTitle: { label: '*created by Habuka200 I work this really hard to create this script so please give me any amount USDT bep20 0x7d68c394f3fc23c871730ce5589e2a381c758d69*', type: 'title'}, baseBet: {label: 'bet amount:', value: currency.minAmount, type: 'number'}, maxBet: {value: 1e8}, minBet: {value: 1e8}, stopBet: {value: 1e8}, basePayout: {value: 1.5}, maxPayout: {value: 1e8}, minPayout: {value: 1.5}, stopPayout: {value: 1e8}, winRepeat: {value: 1e8}, lossReset: {value: 100}, onBetLoss: {value: '0'}, addBetLoss: {value: 0}, subBetLoss: {value: 0}, mulBetLoss: {value: 2.125}, divBetLoss: {value: 2}, onPayoutLoss: {value: '1'}, addPayoutLoss: {value: 1.0102}, subPayoutLoss: {value: 0}, mulPayoutLoss: {value: 1}, divPayoutLoss: {value: 2}, onBetWin: {value: '0'}, addBetWin: {value: 0}, subBetWin: {value: 0}, mulBetWin: {value: 1}, divBetWin: {value: 1}, onPayoutWin: {value: '0'}, addPayoutWin: {value: 0}, subPayoutWin: {value: 0}, mulPayoutWin: {value: 2}, divPayoutWin: {value: 1}, } function main (){ var baseBet = config.baseBet.value; var maxBet = config.maxBet.value; var minBet = config.maxBet.value; var basePayout = config.minPayout.value; var maxPayout = config.maxPayout.value; var minPayout = config.minPayout.value; var currentBet = config.baseBet.value; var currentPayout = config.basePayout.value; var onBetWin = config.onBetWin.value; var addBetWin = config.addBetWin.value; var subBetWin = config.subBetWin.value; var mulBetWin = config.mulBetWin.value; var divBetWin = config.divBetWin.value; var onPayoutWin = config.onPayoutWin.value; var addPayoutWin = config.addPayoutWin.value; var subPayoutWin = config.subPayoutWin.value; var mulPayoutWin = config.mulPayoutWin.value; var divPayoutWin = config.divPayoutWin.value; var onBetLoss = config.onBetLoss.value; var addBetLoss = config.addBetLoss.value; var subBetLoss = config.subBetLoss.value; var mulBetLoss = config.mulBetLoss.value; var divBetLoss = config.divBetLoss.value; var onPayoutLoss = config.onPayoutLoss.value; var addPayoutLoss = config.addPayoutLoss.value; var subPayoutLoss = config.subPayoutLoss.value; var mulPayoutLoss = config.mulPayoutLoss.value; var divPayoutLoss = config.divPayoutLoss.value; var stopPayout = config.stopPayout.value; var stopBet = config.stopBet.value; var winRepeatCount = config.winRepeat.value; var winRepeatSet = 1 var winRepProvision = 0 var gameStatus = 1 var gameCounter = 1 var lossReset = config.lossReset.value; var lossCounter = 0 game.onBet = function () { log.success('Placing Bet For: ' + currentBet + ', At Payout: '+ currentPayout) game.bet(currentBet, currentPayout).then(function (payout) {if (payout > 1) {if(!gameStatus) {counterReset(true)} lossCounter = 0 log.success('created by habuka200') gameStarter(onBetWinSwitch(onBetWin),onPayoutWinSwitch(onPayoutWin)) } else {if(gameStatus) {gameStatus--} winRepCountReset(true) lossCounter++ log.error('') gameStarter(onBetLossSwitch(onBetLoss),onPayoutLossSwitch(onPayoutLoss)) gameCounter++ } }) function gameStarter(calculatedBet, calculatedPayout) {if (lossCounter >= lossReset) {calculatedBet = currentBet * 2.125 calculatedPayout = currentPayout / 2 + 1.0102 log.error(''); lossCounter = 0 } else if (currentPayout > stopPayout) {log.error('The bot was stopped because the max payout was reached!'); game.stop();} currentBet = calculatedBet currentPayout = calculatedPayout } function onBetWinSwitch (switchValue) {switch(switchValue) {case '0': return baseBet break; case '1': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return baseBet } else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentBet + (addBetWin) > maxBet) {return maxBet, log.error('Maximum bet reached!')} else return currentBet + (addBetWin) } } } else {return baseBet} break; case '2': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return baseBet} else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentBet - (subBetWin) < minBet) {return minBet, log.error('Minimum bet reached!')} else return currentBet - (subBetWin) } } } else {return baseBet} break; case '3': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return baseBet} else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentBet * (mulBetWin) > maxBet) {return maxBet, log.error('Maximum bet reached!')} else return currentBet * (mulBetWin) } } } else {return baseBet} break; case '4': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return baseBet} else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentBet / (divBetWin) < minBet) {return minBet, log.error('Minimum bet reached!')} else return currentBet / (divBetWin) } } } else {return baseBet} break; } } function onPayoutWinSwitch (switchValue) {switch(switchValue) {case '0': return basePayout break; case '1': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return basePayout } else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentPayout + (addPayoutWin) > maxPayout) {return maxPayout, log.error('Maximum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout + (addPayoutWin) } } } else {return basePayout} break; case '2': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return basePayout} else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentPayout - (subPayoutWin) < minPayout) {return minPayout, log.error('Minimum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout - (subPayoutWin) } } } else {return basePayout} break; case '3': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return basePayout} else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentPayout * (mulPayoutWin) > maxPayout) {return maxPayout, log.error('Maximum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout * (mulPayoutWin) } } } case '4': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return basePayout} else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentPayout / (divPayoutWin) < minPayout) {return minPayout, log.error('Minimum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout / (divPayoutWin) } } } else {return basePayout} break; } }} function onBetLossSwitch (switchValue) {switch(switchValue) {case '0': return currentBet break; case '1': {if (currentBet + (addBetLoss) > maxBet) {return maxBet, log.error('Maximum bet reached!')} else return currentBet + (addBetLoss)} break; case '2': {if (currentBet - (subBetLoss) < minBet) {return minBet, log.error('Minimum bet reached!')} else return currentBet - (subBetLoss)} break; case '3': {if (currentBet * (mulBetLoss) > maxBet) {return maxBet, log.error('Maximum bet reached!')} else return currentBet * (mulBetLoss)} break; case '4': {if (currentBet / (divBetLoss) < minBet) {return minBet, log.error('Minimum bet reached!')} else return currentBet / (divBetLoss)} break; } } function onPayoutLossSwitch (switchValue) {switch(switchValue) {case '0': return basePayout break; case '1': {if (currentPayout + (addPayoutLoss) > maxPayout) {return maxPayout, log.error('Maximum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout + (addPayoutLoss)} break; case '2': {if (currentPayout - (subPayoutLoss) < minPayout) {return minPayout, log.error('Minimum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout - (subPayoutLoss)} break; case '3': {if (currentPayout * (mulPayoutLoss) > maxPayout) {return maxPayout, log.error('Maximum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout * (mulPayoutLoss)} break; case '4': {if (currentPayout / (divPayoutLoss) < minPayout) {return minPayout , log.error('Minimum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout / (divPayoutLoss)} break; } } function counterReset(itsZero) {if(itsZero) {gameCounter-- if(!gameCounter) {gameCounter++ return} counterReset(true) } } function winRepCountReset(itsZero) {if(!winRepProvision) {return} if(itsZero) {winRepeatCount++ winRepProvision-- if(!winRepProvision) {return} winRepCountReset(true) } } } async function ResetSeed() { var nextSeedResult = await fetch("https://bc.co/game/hash-dice#/set_seed/HashDice", { "headers": { "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "sec-ch-ua": "\" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"99\", \"Microsoft Edge\";v=\"99\"", "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", "sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"Windows\"", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin" }, "referrer": window.location.href, "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "body": null, "method": "GET", "mode": "cors", "credentials": "include" }).then(res => res.clone().json()); var currentSeed = nextSeedResult.data.currentSeedHash; var nextSeedId = nextSeedResult.data.nextSeedHash; var nounce = nextSeedResult.data.currentSeedHash.maxNonce; if(nounce % 1 == 0) { await DoSeedChange(nextSeedId.clientSeed, "Hash-Dice", nextSeedId.seedId); } } async function DoSeedChange(clientseed, gameName, nextSeedId) { fetch("https://bc.co/api/single/game/seed/change/", { "headers": { "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "content-type": "application/json", "sec-ch-ua": "\" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"99\", \"Microsoft Edge\";v=\"99\"", "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", "sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"Windows\"", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin" }, "referrer": window.location.href, "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "body": "{\"clientSeed\":\""+ clientseed +"\",\"gameName\":\""+ gameName +"\",\"nextSeedId\":" + nextSeedId + "}", "method": "POST", "mode": "cors", "credentials": "include" }).then(res => res.clone().json()); } good luck keep winning and share it to others
  3. Yesterday
  4. I contacted live support about this and they told me to ''keep wagering''.... is this a joke?
  5. Bangladesh UID : 6105688 https://x.com/Labuesh/status/1883217959185010789?t=fDQ-VhuXZ4I73UhGUDxmZg&s=35
  6. I am trying to see my transaction history from may to present day and when trying to select a custom date the farthest I can go is November everything before that is grayed out. I just want to be able to see my previous deposits and withdraws. I contact support and they say nothing they can do at this time. This a serious issue why are they deleting account history
  7. Thank you so much for trying to help. But I finished kyc a long time ago. I finished all kyc. This is not a kyc issue. I really really need help. I contacted support email but no answer. So I contacted 24hours support and they just told me to wait. Support didn't say it was a kyc issue. its not kyc issue i already finished I just got a reply telling me to wait. I'm confused because you said it was a kyc issue. I also got an email from bc.game@support saying all kyc's were completed. I want to know exactly what the issue is. I don't understand why Evolution is investigating my bc.game account betting history when I played on the bc.game site. today also support told me wait 24hours let me tell you fact only fact 1. I keep asking why my account is locked, but the support team says that it is a core department decision and they do not know. 2. I deposited my money and won the game, but I have not heard any reason for the withdrawal restriction and just keep getting the same answer every day, telling me to wait 24 hours. 3. After signing up for this site, I deposited $35,000 and placed a bet. I only placed 9 bets at the Evolution private table you provide. When I requested a withdrawal, they asked me to do a KYC, and I completed all the KYC, but suddenly the withdrawal was locked and Evolution said they were investigating. How would you feel if you were me? Why is Evolution investigating? Evolution is just a video provider, so shouldn't the investigation be conducted by bc.game? I really wonder what they are investigating. Why can't I get an answer as to why my account is restricted from withdrawals? Why do you always give the same answer like ai? we know there is no problem. I just deposited $35,000 as soon as I signed up and won $100,000, so I tried to withdraw it, but the withdrawal was canceled and they said that an investigation had begun. Why should I be investigated? I only made 9 bets in private at the live casino evolution that """you guys provide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""? I was really happy when I won the game and cashed out. Because where I live, it's Lunar New Year soon, so I need a lot of money. And now, every hour is really painful. Not hearing any answer and just waiting for no reason is making me harder. If it was going to be like this, I shouldn't have just played the game. The time I was happy was only about an hour, and after that, it was hopeless and painful. If you can help me, I can send you all the captured data if you email me. i cant post image here I sent this to support too, but I didn't get a response.
  8. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns. Based on our review, it appears that your account requires KYC (Know Your Customer) verification before any withdrawals can be processed. This is a standard procedure to ensure the security and integrity of our platform. For more information and assistance on completing KYC, please contact our support team or send an email to [email protected]. They will guide you through each step of the process in detail. We understand this situation can be frustrating, especially given the investigation mention, but rest assured that once your KYC verification is complete and all conditions are satisfied, you will be able to proceed with your withdrawal. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We’re here to help.
  9. Last week
  10. Hello everyone, I’m eager to know what benefits does this forum offers to BC players
  11. hi thank you User ID:66962877 I signed up, deposited money, and only made 9 bets. I requested a withdrawal, but it was canceled and I just kept getting replies telling me to wait for the game to be investigated. The supporter said that Evolution is investigating, but I played Evolution Private Blackjack, so I don't understand why Evolution is investigating. I've played Evolution Blackjack for many years, but this is the first time I've seen something like this. I've played at big online casinos, but I don't understand. How can a big company like bc.game do this just because of $100,000?
  12. Kdnipemkatcc


    i need a help
  13. I played Evolution Private Blackjack as soon as I signed up, but when I requested a withdrawal, the same message said that the withdrawal was not being processed. did you soloved problem?
  14. The third-party game platform is reviewing the game results, your withdraw and tip permission have been suspended, please wait patiently After I requested a withdrawal, it was suddenly canceled and this message appeared. I contacted the support team, but they responded that they don't know. Because they responded that Evolution is investigating this issue. What I really don't understand is that I signed up, made a deposit, and went to an Evolution private table and played blackjack, won about $100,000, and requested a withdrawal, and then Evolution suddenly started investigating their game. Does that make sense? I finished KYC and I'm uploading my betting history here. I've played games at many online casino sites, but this is the first time I've heard that Evolution is investigating because I only won $100,000, and they don't know when it'll end.
  15. 유아야 It actually happening to me too.. Even my birthday bonus he gave .e 2days after .. what is the point of giving delay bonus ?? My vip host never fu...in give me loose back bonus anymore .. Previous Athea was so much better.. I believe if you lost more that 350usd you are automatically eligible for loss back so keep fight for your right .. !! 아자 ㅋㅋㅋ
  16. Hi @Penthesilea, is there a way you could share the script pls... I saw you deleted everything :(
  17. سالا به همه دوستان. من تازه وارد هستم وامیدوارم درکنار شماساعات خوبی داشته باشم
  18. Uid: 1534097 COUNTRY iran or usa https://x.com/DrSalivan1/status/1879869209112650213 https://x.com/DrSalivan1
  19. Earlier
  20. @메리_bc게임 손실을 거절당했음에 그정도는 처음받아봅다. 받을만한 충분한 자격이된다고생각합니다. 그리고 300만k 웨이져 롤링이 되면 보너스지급도 약속했지만 지키지않고 갔슴니다.
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